How To Remove Window Tint Bubbles Without Any Damage

Car tints are a great way to protect your car from the sun or other harmful UV rays, but they can also be a nuisance sometimes. Your car window tint can trap microscopic moisture in between the layers of your car’s exterior. This moisture is usually trapped against the inside of the window and does not come out easily.

However, sometimes these trapped moisture bubbles come out as a result of something as simple as rain or high humidity levels. When this happens, you might notice that your tint foil starts bubbling at the sides and corners, creating small holes for all that moisture to escape from your vehicle.

If you want to remove these annoying bubbles without any damage to your car’s finish, read on!

Remove Excess Humidity

First of all, you should get the humidity level in your car’s interior to a lower level. You can do this by opening a few windows or running a dehumidifier for a few hours. This will help remove excess moisture from the air and prevent it from causing your car’s tint to bubble.

You should also keep the car’s interior wiped down with cloth to remove any residue accumulated on the windows. If you live in a hot, humid area that often sees heavy rainfall, you can also try using a desiccant to absorb excess moisture.

Get the Surface Dry

When it’s raining outside, try to keep your car underneath a roof. Keep the surface of your car’s windows and roof as dry as possible. This will help prevent the moisture in the air from causing any water spots on the surface, preventing it from damaging the tint. If there are any water droplets on your car’s roof, you can use a washcloth to wipe them away.

Use a Hair Dryer

If you’ve tried everything above and still notice bubbling on your car’s tint, you should try using a hair dryer on a low setting to gently warm up the window and roof.

This will cause water droplets to evaporate and be blown away from the surface, making it easier for you to remove the bubbles. You should do this before it gets too warm, as you don’t want to damage your car’s paintwork by causing a hot bubble.

Use an Air Duct Scrubber Brush

If you’ve tried the hair dryer above and you still have bubbling, you should use an air duct scrubber brush to increase airflow in your car’s interior. This will help blow away any water droplets and dust that might have collected on the surface, making it easier for you to remove the bubbles. Once the interior has been scrubbed with the brush, you should use a cloth to wipe away any remaining dust and water droplets.

Chemical Residue Removal Tool

If you’ve tried everything above and you still see bubbling in your window tint, you should use a chemical residue removal tool to loosen up the glue that holds the bubbles together. You can find these kits online for as little as $10 or less.

You just have to spray the tool with Isopropyl alcohol and blot it on the bubbles to loosen them up. You should do this before it gets too warm, as you don’t want to damage your car’s paintwork by causing a hot bubble.

Avoiding Damage During Repainting

You can have your car tint bubbled up to the point that you can’t clean away the bubbles without damaging your car’s paintwork. Always be careful when removing the bubbles and try your best to avoid damaging the finish.

Most car dealerships and auto body shops offer bubble removal services, so you can go there if you need to. Another option is to take your bubbled up car to a local car wash that offers tint cleaning services.


We hope this article helped you understand why air bubbles can form in your tinting foil and how to best remove it. In most cases reducing humidity in your vehicle may be enough for the bubbles to go away.

Be clean, be patient, and use your best judgment when removing those pesky water bubbles from your car’s windows – the last thing you want is to damage your car’s finish!

And if in doubt, leave it to the professionals. In extreme cases where bubbling seems permanent you will most likely need to replace your window tint completely.